Friday, March 23, 2007


I remember a night at Betty's
house, it was a jam session like I had
never heard before. I felt so proud to
be among such talented musicians.
They let me record their music but
didn't dare even give me 2 stix to beat together..I would get a pat on
the head and told to keep my day job.

I might not be able to keep a beat or sing but I can sure hear & my friends sounded great~
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Betty MacDonald

I was about 26 when we all hung out together.
Myself, Betty MacDonald, Mark Black, Jolie Muss, just to name a few. Come see Betty play at Stella's Lounge Saturday April 7th 8:30 p.m by the Catkill Point. Posted by Picasa

Chocolate B'day cake

Inside was marble cake, outside
was choco whipped cream,
mmmmmmmm Posted by Picasa

Em's New Car

My lil Princess needs wheels! Posted by Picasa

CJ Kelly and Em

Lil Em in the pink :)=] Posted by Picasa

Kelly's B'day

My daughter Kelly was 36 on February 20th 2007 Posted by Picasa

Myrtle Beach

The guy in the red bathing suit looks like he's down for the count. Posted by Picasa

Alabama Theater at Night

The Entrance Posted by Picasa


Waiting outside the Alabama
Theater in Myrtle Beach.

The show was called -ONE-
It was a good show, we enjoyed it. Posted by Picasa

Where am I ?

I'm here, can't ya see me?
I was lying on the other end of the bed just resting my ciatic back and leg..had to do the down time for awhile and let the others go have fun
while I dazed didnt say dozed because I was under the influence
of percoset.

Doctors 0rders! Posted by Picasa

Near the Beach

The day started out bright but it started darkening toward the middle of the day. We had fun on the beach
and even dipped our tosies in the
wa wa. Posted by Picasa

pool side scape

lil red flowers Posted by Picasa

Mini Golf

Golfing is cool when ya dont have
to walk for miles. These places are
set up all over Myrtle Beach.
Some are way bigger than others
but they are all nice. Posted by Picasa

Our Hangout

On good days we caught some sun out by the pool. Posted by Picasa

A Sunny Day

Fran is happy when her ear is to the cell phone. Posted by Picasa